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January 2024

Describe your creative process! Is your music made in a more organized, blocked out manner or is it more on the go/improvisational? How do you see the process shine through in the finished product?

It’s a mixed of improvisation & organized. I don’t really write my music anymore - just kinda freestyle over the beat and see what happens. A process that has worked for me, sometimes with good results sometimes not.


How do you feel your sound has changed since we last talked? What new mindsets/outlooks/inspirations have you gained since then that influence your music?

Hasn’t really changed that much. Currently gonna start working on some new stuff that’s gonna be different sounding. tiktok, opium, and the underground inspired me with the new sound I wanna go for.


What's been your favorite moment/biggest achievement as a musician so far?

I guess so far my biggest achievement would be releasing my first EP. other than I haven’t really accomplished that much so far.



Is there anything currently in the making? (songs, albums, gigs, etc.) 

I’m really really trying to get more live shows and gigs. I wanna perform live a lot for the remainder of this year and all of next year. Hopefully I get some soon - just put out a new EP so I’ve been chilling on new music but gonna be back soon!


If you could, what would you say to yourself when you just started out as a musician? What piece of advice do you wish you knew back then?

one thing i wish i know back then was just how powerful tools like tiktok were. i would tell younger me just starting out “ post post post! “



What is your current big goal? What does the future hold/what are you working towards right now?

The ultimate goal right now for me is to make a living off music. I need to do at least one music video, one feature, and one concert next year. I really want this to be my life but have lost motivation for it. if I don’t meet my goals then i think i’m done, forever.


Summer 2023

Who/what inspires your music?

An inspiration I have for my music just comes from life experiences. Anything and everything inspires me.


How did you come up with the name?

I’ve went thru a few artist names over the years and went by many stage names. One day I joked around changing my name to “ DAGGER DIOR “  . But then I actually ended up doing it and never looked back 


How would you describe your sound?

I would describe my sound as modern yet retro but also unique. I try alot of melodies with my music 


If you had no choice but to become a cover artist, who would you cover?

If I could only cover one artist it would be ……. Probably Travis Scott. And I’d be “ the Travis Scott cover guy “


If someone wrote a book about your music, what would it be titled? 

Pftt I think it would be called something like Young Dumb & Hungry or something of that nature. Something to catch your eye to pick up a book


Which song of yours was the most fun to write & make? 

I have had some great memories making songs in  the past so I don’t really have a favorite. But when I finished the last song on my second EP it felt so good to be done.

Yarn Bomb Zine c. 2022

Based in Ft. Worth, TX

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