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The Rat Utopia Experiment, AKA T.R.U.E, is an anarchist American rock band based out of Tacoma, Washington. Formed in June of 2022, they consist of five members--Sophia, 15 (lead vocals), Aine, 16 (bass, backup vocals), Maddox, 18 (guitar), Jackson, 17 (guitar), and Evan, 19 (drums, backup vocals), who dominate the stage as well as their enemies. Despite their contrasting music tastes, the band comes together to form a sound that's a tragic clash of metal riffs, emo, a sprinkle of nu-metal, and themes of anti-establishment that give you the vague urge to jay-walk.

Yarn Bomb Zine c. 2022

Based in Ft. Worth, TX

All work rights reserved to their creators. Never share others' work without permission/credit!

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