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Published in January 2023, this is the third issue of YarnBomb Zine! After moving back to my home state of Illinois (I had been living in Texas for most of my life) to start college, YB3 was created. This one marked a bit of a turning point; with the move, I was able to get the word out a much wider audience - I began to take YarnBomb as a brand a bit more seriously, and started working towards genuinely expanding its reach outside of Texas. I started the social media pages and shifted my focus more towards advertising.

It housed 80 artists across 48 pages, with 100 copies printed upon its release.


Meat Graffiti (@ meatgraffiti)
Jonathan Garcia (@amomentsglance)
Avery Morgan (@avrymorgn)
Anton Swanson (@aswansxn)
Ty Luna (@tyschaitea)
Jade Seohyun Oh (@jadexseohyunzz)
Jaimie Lee (@jam.j3m)
Le Tire (@le_titre_provisoire)
Valentina Rivera (@valentinarivei)
Dabin (@Dabinchoi_
Josie Lou (@josieloucrump)
Sunny/Asia (@brulsed_vlolet)
Ernest Strahaul (@erneststrauhal)
Nic Surgit (@cOntrastingp3n)
Lauren Rosenburg (@laurenrosenbergart)
Al Rivera
Corpo Expandido (@corpoexpandido)
Mello Jupiter (@Mello.Eun)
Artivism Community Art (@artivismcommunityart)
WITHERS (@withershollow)
Spencer (@spencerh4tesyou)
K. Angelique (@angeliquewrites)
Atlas (® @poweratlas_)
Goose King (@gOOse_king)
Lemuncake (@lemuncake_
Dolly Rot Co. (@ do11 yrotclothes)
AJ Schnettler (@ajschnettler)
ARTHURARTHUR (@ar.thur.arth.ur)
Adeline Gutowski (@ Addylinart)
Hazel Meerson Hendrie (@hazelmh_art)
Morgan Fae Myers (@Flavoredfaeman)
Andrea Chaidez (@disarted_)
Savannah Claudio (savys.notebook)

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 Soggy (@s0ggyart)

Vivien Solveig (@too_fat_to_paint)

Tobias Anders (@toby_makes_art)

PNKPOSTERGIRL (@pnkpostergirl)

Ellie Daniel (@ elijahdpr)

Blood Climax (@bloodyclimax)

Celinda (

Kekekobain (@kekekobain)

Balamusia (@balamusia)

David Fernandez (@david_frrnndz)

Recnarukami (@RecNarukami)

Answering Machines (@answeringmachines_musik)

DJ Acid Angel (@acidangel222)

Zogu (@zzoguo)

Scoob (@scoobfromdde)

Smelly Dog (@pdunkinn)

Bluberry Tuesday (@bluberrytuesday)

Marley Pleines (@b.odyelectrc)

Spectral Bee (@judeecorvina)

Girlo (@girlo.xoxo)

Bharat Kethana (@ bhharattt)

Grace Wartman (@gracewartmanphoto)

Aleksei Quintero (

Chloe Paul (@skrrt_skrrt_media)

Bedford Towers (@bedfordtowers)

Lore Love (@LoreLove244)

Spookyratt (@sp00kyratt)

Zach Attack (@hiimatri)

 Aleco (@ Alexartisticcollection)

Odd Tuesday (Odd_Tuesday)

Deputy (@ Deputy_tx)

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